Legal Notice

Website Ownership

In compliance with the information obligation set forth in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the identifying details of the company owning the domain www.ralfasconsulting.comare provided below:

Company Name: Ralfas Consulting S.L.
CIF: B63813711
Registered Office: Calle Isaac Peral, 73, Terrassa, 08224, Barcelona, Spain
Phone: +34 937 887 838
Registration Data: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 37458, Folio 54, Sheet B-299843, 1st Entry.

Purpose of the Website

This website has been created by Ralfas Consulting S.L. for informational purposes and personal use by users. This Legal Notice aims to regulate access to and use of this website, as well as the relationship between the website and its users.

Terms of Use

Accessing and browsing the website implies acceptance and acknowledgment of the legal warnings, conditions, and terms of use contained therein.

Access to this website does not establish any commercial relationship between Ralfas Consulting S.L. and the user.

Ralfas Consulting S.L. reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any modifications it deems appropriate to its website, including changing, deleting, or adding content and services provided through it, as well as the manner in which they are presented or located on its servers.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All content on the website (including, but not limited to, texts, graphics, images, design, and any intellectual property rights related to such content, as well as all trademarks, trade names, or any other distinctive signs) is the property of Ralfas Consulting S.L. or its legitimate owners.

The reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, or any other form of exploitation not expressly authorized by the rights holder is prohibited. Any unauthorized use will be considered a serious infringement of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.


Ralfas Consulting S.L. will not be held liable for damages of any kind that may result from, but are not limited to: errors or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the website, or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the content, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to prevent this.

Links to Third Parties

If the website includes links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites, Ralfas Consulting S.L. exercises no control over those sites and their content. Under no circumstances will Ralfas Consulting S.L. assume any responsibility for the content of links to third-party websites, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, truthfulness, validity, or legality of any material or information contained in such hyperlinks or other Internet sites.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The relationship between Ralfas Consulting S.L. and the user will be governed by current Spanish legislation, and any disputes will be submitted to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.