A Project Manager can be defined as “someone who protects customer interests by identifying and advising on the risks in the construction process”. In other words “The technical eyes of ownership”.
Participating in the varying stages of the process with the objective of protecting the interests of the owner at all times
The role of Project Manager is simultaneously that of researcher and adviser for the OWNER.
The three fundamental phases involved in Project Management are:
- Transmission of the requirements of the property to the different physicians regarding the needs of use of the building according to the activity to be developed.
- Technical advice on the facilities and construction materials taking into account the future use and maintenance of the building.
- Technical review of the project.
- Advice on the definition of the contracting and packaging strategy.
- Inspection of the bids carried out for the future contracting of the works and facilities.
- Monitoring of the instructions and actions of the facultative direction.
- Streamline technical responses on site to avoid hindering the smooth running of the works.
- Assistant to the facultative direction in the technical direction of the work.
- Analyze the possible proposals of any change of the execution project by the facultative direction.
- Monitoring of the construction program.
Reception supervisionphase
- Final inspection with the facultative direction.
- Check the as-built documentation.
- Review the tests and commissioning of the facilities.
- Ensure the existence of a maintenance plan and manual for the operation and use of the facilities.